Co-ed Adult groups

Discovery Class, all ages, Bob Walden, Conference Room

Seeker Class, Fellowship Hall, Juan Rodriguez, The Gospel Project  

No Other Name,  Room 201, Donnie Lecarpentier, Eddie Murray, Bible Studies for Life

Resounding, Room 202 Mathew & Carmen Pearlswig Topical class

Hopkins Class, all ages, Room 203, Bill Hopkins,  Explore the Bible

Redeemed, Room 205D, 

Glen Hubbard- Currently studying the Book of John

Young Adults (18-25),  Room 210/212, Mary Catherine Slaughter - Revelation

Young Families, Room 209, Pastor Rob & Anne Edwards, Gospel Project

Men's  & Ladies Groups


The Gary Class, Room 204,  Ammon Starkey, Walter Ikenberry, & Jeff Sherman, Bible Studies for Life


Esther ClassMedia  

Conference Room, Union Gospel Press


Faith Class, room 200, Candy Atkins, Eutanaha Fluker, Bible Studies for Life

Flourish, Room 205A, Angela Linton-topical studies

Preschool, Children, Teens

Preschool Sunday School meets at 9:00am in the preschool/nursery area 


Children's Sunday School (K-5th grade) meets at 9:00 am in the Kid's Worship, Room 205D


Youth Sunday School meets at 9:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall. Grades  6-12 meet together as a large group for Bible study.

Information about Lifeway Bible studies: