Little Free Food Pantry

We are up and running!  Please stop by and pick up some items if you are in need!

If you would like to donate to the pantry, check out the suggested donation list below.

Items can be dropped off in the pantry and our pantry volunteers will do their best to organize items and monitor expiration dates.

We pray that this ministry will help supply the needs of families throughout our community and give us an opportunity to share God's love with each of them.

Thank you so much for your support of this ministry through your donations and prayers.

Suggested Donations


  • chicken/tuna pouches
  • canned fruits
  • canned vegetables
  • canned soups
  • rice/pasta
  • pizza/pasta sauces
  • ketchup/mustard
  • instant potatoes
  • hamburger helper
  • boxed macaroni & chesse
  • cake/muffin mix
  • jello/pudding boxes
  • pancake mix & syrup
  • powdered/shelf stable milk
  • cold cereal
  • oatmeal
  • applesauce
  • granola bars
  • microwave popcorn
  • nuts/nut butters
  • jelly/jam
  • crackers
  • cookies
  • coffee
  • tea bags
  • bottled water
  • juice

Personal Items

  • shampoo & conditioner
  • soap (bars/body wash)
  • hand soap
  • toothbrushes
  • toothpaste
  • dental floss
  • deoderant
  • feminine products
  • shaving products
  • lotion
  • band-aids


Baby Essentials
  • diapers
  • wipes
  • baby food
  • formula

Household Items

  • laundry detergent
  • dish soap
  • sanitizer spray/wipes
  • toilet paper
  • paper towles
  • tissues

Summer Fun

  • sunscreen
  • sidewalk chalk
  • bubbles